Best Jokes

Funny Jokes

You can look at the solar eclipse directly.

Once with your left eye, once with your right eye.

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Yo mama so fat when I saw her on Tinder, swiped left and she was still on the screen.

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What did Yoda say to Anakin on his wedding day?

May divorce be with you.

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Two retired British Army officers are speaking.

1st officer: β€œSay, old chap, did I ever tell you about the time I was attacked by a Bengal tiger?”

2st officer: β€œI dare say I’ve not heard that one.”

1st officer: β€œI decided one summer to try my hand at taking down one of the royal beasts. I hired a guide from the local village, and armed with my rifle we set out.

Several hours into the hunt and deep in a mangrove swamp, we stumbled upon fresh tracks.

It was not more than a few minutes of tracking the great beast when we heard itβ€”a low, guttural sound from behind.

I quickly turned and as I readied my rifle, the tiger leapt from the shadows, teeth and claws bared. Rrrraaaaaarrrrrr! I shat my pants.”

2st officer: β€œOf course you shat your pants, old chap. You were attacked by a Bengal Tiger!”

1st officer: β€œNo, right now when I went β€˜Rrrraaaaaarrrrr!’.”

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Why did the chef add extra oregano to the sauce?

He was making up for lost thyme.

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What do you call a bison that is good at telling lies?


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What did the dolphin say to the blue whale?

β€œCheer up!”

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My wife got stung by a bee on the forehead. She’s at the ER now. Her face all swollen and bruised, she almost died.

Luckily, I was close enough to hit the bee with my shovel.

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Unfortunately, many mushroom puns are in spore taste.

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What do you call the phenomenon where nobody can hear you on Zoom?

A Mute-ation.

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What’s the only type of melon that changes colors at will?

A chamelon.

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I hate when I’m on the treadmill and my hand accidentally hits the stop button and I have to get off and eat a grilled bacon and cheese sandwich.

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What would you name Will if he was one of the Wheelers?

Third Wheeler.

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β€œMan, my sinuses are on fire!”

β€œAn allergy?”

β€œNo, a metaphor.”

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CNN made a joke article for April Fools.

Just another day in the office.

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What’s a teacher’s favorite way to celebrate National Teacher Day on May 2nd?

By giving students a pop quiz to see if they’ve been may-taining their knowledge.

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My kids have recently been super obsessed with the moon and my wife is starting to get worried.

I told her not to worry, it’s only a phase.

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The ice cream parlor asks for my order.

Parlor: β€œHello Sir, can I take your order?”

Me: β€œYes, I’d like a male hot fudge sundae please.”

Parlor: β€œI’m sorry Sir, a male hot fudge sundae?”

Me: β€œYes, with nuts.”

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Outbreak: New Strain of Bird Flu Discovered!!!

It’s called Chirpies.

It’s a Canarial Disease.

It’s Untweetable.

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What do you give an influencer with bad breath?

A tik tok.

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